Theriology in Ukraine 2001:
articles on bats



Visnyk Luhanskogo Universytetu, 2002, ¹ 1.
(Proceedings of the VIIIth Theriological School).


3. Studies of insectivorous and bats

Bashta A.-T. V., Srebrodolska Ye. B., Dykyy I. V., Mysiuk V. O. Pond bat Myotis dasycneme in the western part of Ukraine >>>

Bobkova O. O. On the question of bat ectoparasites fauna studying in Ukraine  >>>

Kovalyova I. M. Influence of gravity on adaptation of thorax form and function in bats (Chiroptera)  >>>

Negoda V. Sexual pattern in populations of Pipistrellus nathusii and P. pipistrellus in Ukraine  >>>

Petrushenko Ya., Godlevska L., Zagorodniuk I. Investigations on bat communities in the Siversky Donets flood-lands  >>>


Tyshchenko V. M. Current state and ecological peculiarities of Myotis daubentonii in the Podillya territory (Ukraine)  >>>



13 September, 2003